The 6010th Wild Weasel Squadron, the first U.S. Air Force squadron ever with that unique designation, was formed at Korat RTAFB on 1 November 1970 out of personnel and equipment from both the inactivating 355th Tactical Fighter Wing at Takhli and Detachment 1, 12th Tactical Fighter Squadron from Kadena AB, Okinawa. The latter unit having been at Korat as of 25 September 1970.
The 6010th squadron’s claim to fame was its participation in the support force for the Son Tay Prison Raid, a bold attempt to liberate U.S. prisoners of war who were being held in said prison camp. Unfortunately, shortly before the raid took place, for reasons unknown, the North Vietnamese had moved all POWs to what was called “Camp Faith”, 15 miles to the east of Son Tay. All the raiders found was an abandoned camp.
Having the F-105Gs along on the raid as “bait” for the North Vietnamese air defenses proved to be no unnecessary luxury. Enemy SAM activity was heavy and as a result one of the F-105Gs was shot down, pilot Major Don Kilgus and EWO Captain Ted Lowry ejected safely, but had to spend several hours on the ground in hostile territory before a pickup could be made by one of the helicopters that originally was part of the force to bring the prisoners back.
What with the bombing campaign to North Vietnam having ended two years earlier, the squadron flew the bulk of its missions into the lower route packages and Laos as Wild Weasel support for reconnaissance flights and reactive stikes.
The 6010th squadron’s numerical designator turned out to be rather shortlived, as the unit was renumbered to 17th Wild Weasel Squadron on 1 December 1971. Apparently, a visiting U.S. General didn’t take kindly to the four digits number and ordered it changed.