354th Tactical Fighter Squadron

F-105 Combat Operations

Stationed at Takhli RTAFB, Thailand, 27 November 1965 – 10 December 1970

The “Bulldogs” reappeared at George AFB, California as part of the 355th TFW in 1962. Stayed at George till mid-1965, and flew combat missions in SEA on TDY assignment in the summer of ’65. The squadron moved to Takhli RTAFB permanently in November 1965, together with the 357th TFS. They flew over 400 combat sorties during the first month. One aircraft was lost but the pilot was recovered. Unfortunately, the 354th continued to take hits from the enemy and during 1966 experienced more losses than any other squadron in SEA. In one two month period, almost 40% of the squadron’s pilots were lost…

Pilots of the 354th dished out punishment as well, downing eight NVAF MiG-17’s and damaging four others.

For his actions on 10 March 1967, Wild Weasel pilot Major Merlyn H. Dethlefsen (now deceased) received the Medal of Honor. His persistance in attacking and destroying a SAM site after having been hit by enemy fire was certainly above and beyond the call of duty.

The “Bulldogs” participated in the first F-105 strikes into South Vietnam in 1968. These strikes and many more into other parts of SEA became more common as first bad weather and the 31 October bombing halt reduced the flying over North Vietnam.

When not wearing flight suits and demoralizing the enemy, the men of the 354th could often be found at the bar raising their own morale while dressed in blue “shit hot” suits and “peace-not” medallions.

Squadron Photos

354th TFS Wild Weasel crew Maj James L. Davis and EWO Capt Phillip H. Walker completed their 100th mission on 12 Feb 1968
354th TFS Wild Weasel crew Maj James L. Davis and EWO Capt Phillip H. Walker completed their 100th mission on 12 Feb 1968
354th TFS Wild Weasel crew Maj James L. Davis and EWO Capt Phillip H. Walker completed their 100th mission on 12 Feb 1968
354th TFS Wild Weasel crew Maj James L. Davis and EWO Capt Phillip H. Walker completed their 100th mission on 12 Feb 1968
354th TFS Wild Weasel crew Maj James L. Davis and EWO Capt Phillip H. Walker completed their 100th mission on 12 Feb 1968
354th TFS Wild Weasel crew Maj James L. Davis and EWO Capt Phillip H. Walker completed their 100th mission on 12 Feb 1968
354th TFS Wild Weasel crew Maj James L. Davis and EWO Capt Phillip H. Walker completed their 100th mission on 12 Feb 1968
354th TFS at Takhli RTAFB around ’67
Capt Forrest S. “Trees” Winebarger flew 100 missions with the 354th Takhli in late ’67
Sitting (L to R): Capt. Bob Davis, Capt Ralph Hanson, Maj Homer Villarreal, LtCol Don Asire (Sqdn Cmdr, KIA 8Dec66), Maj Lowell Vose (Ops Officer), Maj Glenn Davis, Maj Jim Fuller
Kneeling (L to R): Capt Bill Hoeft, Capt Randy Plumb, Capt Frank Buchanan, Capt Joe Strow, Lt Glenn Gidel, Maj Art Mearns (MIA 11Nov66), Lt Roger Ayres, Capt Max Brestel (2 MiG kills on 10Mar67), Capt Bob Keller, Capt Vic Viscarra
Standing (L to R): A1C Dan Raven, Capt Jack Hoover, Maj Fred Green, Maj Vern Frye, Capt Bob Spielman, Lt Lowell Stein, Maj Bob Taylor, Capt Bob Bradshaw, Maj Jim Hiteshaw (POW 11Mar67), Lt Bruce Melton, Capt Kevin Duff, Maj Harold Bingaman, Maj Gordon Mickelson, SSgt Calvin Nix
F-105D 62-4284, RM “Triple Mig Killer”, Takhli RTAFB
F-105Ds 355 TFW (354 TFS) Thuds, top off before heading North
354 TFS squadron photo taken on January 1st, 1968, Takhli RTAFB