The story of the 32 FIS Red Flight back patch. One of the shortest lived 32 FIS patches is the 32 FIS ‘Big Red’ (B-flight patch) from Soesterberg AB, The Netherlands. The 32 FIS consisted of the Blue, Green, White and Red flight. Each containing 6 pilots. The guys in B-Flight wanted to distinguish themselves from the other flights and had a back patch made for the deloyment to Wheelus AB, Libya. The pilots in B-Flight wore this as a back patch on their flight jackets until returning to Soesterberg. They had also painted it on the walls at Soesterberg AB unit Lt. Col. Gelvin Nicley found out while escorting squadron visitors. There would be no discussion he didn’t want it displayed nor the patch to be worn and had it removed before any of the other flights would start doing the same thing, hence the Big Red 32 B-flight patch sadly only lasted for a couple of weeks in 1964. The back was made by the wife of Col, Bob Henderson.