F-105 Combat Operations
Stationed at Korat RTAFB, Thailand, 28 November 1965 – 24 April 1967
While deployed at Kadena AB, Okinawa, April – August 1965, the 421st TFS rotated crews to a sister squadron (the 354th TFS) located in Southeast Asia, enabling personnel to gain combat experience. Moved to Korat RTAFB, Thailand in late November 1965 where it commenced flying combat missions as of 28 November. The 421st TFS initially reported to the 6234th Tactical Fighter Wing until in April 1966 the 388th TFW was activated at Korat.
On 29 June 1966, the 421st TFS Commander, Major Fred L. Tracy, became the first F-105 pilot to shoot down a North Vietnamese MiG-17. In a 1988 letter to your web author, Lt.Col. Tracy described the eventful mission:
“The mission on 29 June 1966 was a very unusual experience and attests to the ruggedness of the F-105. The 388th was just a part of the total JCS effort against the Hanoi POL complex.
Bill Chairsell (then Colonel and Wing C.O.) asked me to check out the new weasel pilot from the #2 position, call sign Crab. Our (Crab’s) mission was SAM suppression and consequently we preceeded the main strike force by ten minutes. We had destroyed one SAM site about 12 miles SE of Thud Ridge and were proceeding back up the west side of the ridge to join the main strike force when we were engaged by four MiG-17s. Crab flight’s focus was on locating the main strike force and consequently were lax on our scanning. I took 9 rounds of 37- and 23mm before executing a high G barrel roll to the left which placed the MiG in my 12 o’clock position about 200 feet in the lead. Earlier, one of the MiG’s 23mm shells came through my cockpit just above the throttle and lodged in the AC power pack behind the instument panel, fortunately it was a dud. This wiped out all my instruments including the gunsight, but the engine and 20mm gatling gun operated perfectly.
I maneuvered to surperimpose my pitot boom over the MiG and squeezed the triggerand saw the 20mm sparkling along the left fuselage and wing root of the MiG, his left wing folded over the tail and in an abrupt left turn he went into a cloud at about 2500 feet AGL. That was mission number 33 over North Vietnam.”
Thunderchief pilots and maintainers of the Fighting Cavaliers Squadron were filmed for the award winning documentary “There Is A Way”. However, by that time its days as an F-105 Squadron were counted. The 421st remained at Korat until 24 April 1967, when its place was taken by the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron.

Squadron Photos

KIA July 28, 1967